Progress toward our goal:

Statement of Vision

Time and again the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland have trusted in these words of counsel from our foundress, Saint Angela Merici:

Pray to God; place yourself in God’s hands, for without doubt, since you have been given this mission, God will likewise give you the means to fulfill it.

What bold counsel! Bold as the faith of the four sisters who sailed from France to Cleveland in 1850. Bold as the decisions to begin important new ministries and to leave some of those established ministries in the care of talented lay colleagues – allowing the sisters to minister where the need was greatest. Bold as when elderly sisters left our home to join other aging religious at Regina Health Center. And now to believe boldly that Jesus, who calls us still to care for the people of God, will give us the means to fulfill our mission.

We will move with joy – and a bit of trepidation – into a new residence that will unleash human, spiritual, and financial resources to lovingly serve a community that has loved us in return. In the 160 years our sisters have been serving the varied needs of this community, the people of Greater Cleveland have always been the hands of Jesus stretched out to help us faithfully live our vocation to transform society through contemplation, justice, and compassion. 

Statement of Need 

The Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland have been engaged in a communal discernment process. In prayerful conversations among ourselves and with the advice of leaders in finance and construction, the sisters understand the need to manage our spiritual and financial assets to the benefit of those we are called to serve. We need to unburden our community from the costly upkeep of the current motherhouse. We will sell a portion of the Pepper Pike property to help offset the costs to construct a new Ursuline Residence on the parcel of the property we retain. Ultimately, with significant annual cost savings, we can focus our resources on serving those entrusted to us in our ministries.